Equine Pre-Purchase Exams

In Newberg, Oregon, our veterinarians at Oakhurst provide comprehensive pre-purchase exams for those seeking to acquire the ideal horse. A pre-purchase examination is a comprehensive assessment that allows potential buyers to gain a thorough understanding of a horse's health and identify any underlying medical conditions. The examination process consists of several important steps to ensure a comprehensive evaluation.

Initially, a skilled veterinarian performs a clinical examination, focusing on the horse's eyes, heart, lungs, gastrointestinal system, and musculoskeletal system. This meticulous examination aims to detect any existing health issues or potential concerns.

Next, the veterinarian conducts palpation of the limbs, back, and neck, while also utilizing hoof testers to assess the horse's sensitivity. Flexion tests are then performed, wherein specific leg joints are isolated and flexed while observing the horse's movement to evaluate any signs of lameness. This helps determine which joints or areas should be subjected to radiographs or ultrasounds.

In addition to the clinical examination, the horse is evaluated on a lunge line, observing its walk, trot, and canter while bending to both the left and right sides. Whenever possible, the evaluation may take place on different surfaces, including both hard and soft, to assess the horse's movement in various conditions.

Following the clinical examination, the veterinarian discusses further diagnostics with the buyer. If any lameness was detected during the exam, it may be recommended to take radiographs as a baseline for future reference or to assist in potential future sales. Depending on the buyer's request, additional tests such as drug screening, routine blood work, neurological examination, endoscopy, ultrasound, or nuclear scintigraphy can be included in the examination.

It is important to note that the veterinarian's role is to provide the buyer with detailed information about any existing medical problems and to discuss these findings to help the buyer make an informed pre-purchase decision. While the veterinarian can offer advice on the horse's current physical condition, predicting the future is not possible. Ultimately, the decision to purchase the horse rests with the buyer, and the veterinarian can serve as a valuable partner in providing objective health-related information.

For clients purchasing horses from out of town, we facilitate collaboration with their local veterinarian. We promptly share information, radiographs, and other diagnostics via email, ensuring that the local veterinarian can also provide consultation during the horse's purchase.

To schedule an examination, please contact our office. Keep in mind that these examinations typically require a minimum of two hours, so please plan accordingly to allow for a thorough evaluation. Call 503-554-0227 or email office@oakhurstequine.com.