Regenerative Therapy Treatments

Platelet Rich Plasma

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy for horses is a regenerative treatment that utilizes the horse's own blood to promote healing and tissue repair. PRP contains a high concentration of platelets, growth factors, and other bioactive substances that are essential for the healing process.

The PRP procedure begins with the collection of a blood sample from the horse. The blood is then processed in a centrifuge to separate the platelets from other blood components. This concentrated platelet solution, or PRP, is then injected into the injured or affected area of the horse.

Platelets play a crucial role in the body's natural healing response. When there is an injury or tissue damage, platelets release growth factors and other signaling molecules that stimulate cell proliferation, angiogenesis (the formation of new blood vessels), and tissue regeneration. By delivering a concentrated dose of platelets directly to the injury site, PRP therapy aims to enhance and accelerate the healing process.

PRP therapy can be used to treat a variety of musculoskeletal injuries and conditions in horses, including tendon and ligament injuries, osteoarthritis, joint inflammation, and wounds. It can also be employed as a preventative measure before and after strenuous activities or surgeries to promote healing and reduce the risk of complications.

It's important to note that while PRP therapy has gained popularity and shown promising results in some cases, the scientific evidence supporting its effectiveness in horses is still limited. The success of the treatment can vary depending on the specific injury or condition, the severity of the problem, and individual horse factors. Therefore, it is always recommended to consult with a veterinarian who specializes in equine medicine to determine the suitability and potential benefits of PRP therapy for a particular horse.

Irap Therapy

The Interleukin-1 Receptor Antagonist Protein (IRAP) treatment is a method designed to address excessive interleukin-1 (IL-1) production in joints affected by osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis, also known as degenerative joint disease (DJD), is a leading cause of lameness in horses. Inflammatory mediators, such as IL-1, contribute to cartilage destruction and the development of secondary DJD. The purpose of IRAP is to block IL-1 from binding to the tissues and causing further damage.

The process of IRAP treatment involves several steps:

  1. Blood Collection: A sample of blood is taken from the affected horse.

  2. Incubation: The collected blood sample is incubated with substances that promote healing, such as growth factors and anti-inflammatory aids. This step aims to enhance the beneficial components present in the blood.

  3. Centrifugation: The blood sample is spun in a centrifuge to separate the serum, which contains the beneficial substances, from the red blood cells.

  4. Injection: The serum, enriched with healing factors, is then injected directly into the injured joint. This process interrupts the inflammatory cycle and promotes the healing process.

  5. Repeat Injections: Multiple blood samples are typically harvested and injected at intervals of one to two weeks. This repeated treatment approach helps sustain the therapeutic effects and maximize the potential benefits.

While research on IRAP therapy is still ongoing, the preliminary results appear promising. By blocking the actions of IL-1 and promoting healing factors, IRAP treatment aims to mitigate the symptoms of osteoarthritis, reduce inflammation, and encourage tissue repair in affected joints. It is important to consult with a qualified veterinarian experienced in equine medicine to determine the suitability and effectiveness of IRAP therapy for a specific horse.

Alpha 2 Macroglobulin- ALpha2EQ

Introducing a cutting-edge regenerative therapy that harnesses the potential of Alpha 2 Macroglobulin extracted from your horse's own blood. Alpha 2 Macroglobulin, a substantial protein present in the plasma, possesses remarkable abilities to impede cartilage breakdown and alleviate inflammation. With just a single blood draw, we can generate multiple doses which can be administered directly into the affected joint following an injury or as a proactive measure against further cartilage deterioration in arthritic joints.

Stem-Cell Therapy

Stem cell therapy has emerged as a promising treatment option for horses, offering potential benefits in regenerative medicine. By utilizing the horse's own stem cells or those derived from other sources, this therapy aims to repair damaged tissues, accelerate healing, and improve overall health and performance. Stem cells can be extracted from various sources, such as adipose tissue or bone marrow, and then administered to the affected areas. This innovative approach holds great potential for treating musculoskeletal injuries, joint diseases, and other conditions that commonly afflict horses, offering them a chance for enhanced recovery and a return to optimal functionality. As research in this field progresses, stem cell therapy continues to pave the way for transformative advancements in equine veterinary medicine. 

Arthramid (2.5% polyacrylaminde gel)

Arthromid therapy for horses is a specialized treatment designed to address joint-related issues and promote the overall well-being of these magnificent animals. Developed by veterinary experts, Arthromid therapy involves a comprehensive approach that combines innovative techniques and targeted medications to alleviate pain, reduce inflammation, and enhance joint mobility in horses. The therapy aims to treat conditions such as arthritis, osteoarthritis, and joint injuries, which can significantly impact a horse's performance and quality of life. By utilizing cutting-edge advancements in veterinary medicine, Arthromid therapy helps to restore comfort and functionality to affected joints, allowing horses to move more freely and engage in their daily activities with reduced discomfort. With the guidance of skilled veterinarians and customized treatment plans, Arthromid therapy offers a ray of hope for horses struggling with joint issues, ultimately supporting their overall health and vitality.

Pro Stride

Pro Stride APS is a veterinary treatment used primarily in horses to alleviate pain and inflammation associated with osteoarthritis. It involves the use of autologous protein solution (APS), which is derived from the horse's own blood. The process of administering Pro Stride typically involves the following steps:

  1. Blood Collection: Blood is drawn from the horse, usually from the jugular vein.

  2. Centrifugation: The collected blood is processed using a centrifuge to separate the components. This separation isolates the white blood cells and platelets, which are rich in healing factors.

  3. Activation: The isolated components are then mixed and activated using a proprietary device to create APS, which is a concentrated solution of these healing factors.

  4. Injection: The APS is then injected directly into the affected joint or area of concern in the horse. The goal is to deliver these natural healing components directly to the site of inflammation and damage.

Pro Stride is believed to work by harnessing the body's own healing mechanisms to reduce inflammation, promote tissue repair, and relieve pain associated with osteoarthritis. It is considered a form of regenerative medicine and has gained popularity in equine veterinary care as a non-invasive alternative to more traditional treatments like corticosteroid injections.

It's important to note that while Pro Stride can be effective for many horses, individual results may vary, and consultation with a qualified veterinarian is essential to determine the most appropriate treatment plan for each horse's specific condition. Please contact us at 503-554-0227 or with any questions or for an appointment if you are interested in Pro-Stride.